Posts from November 2016

Posts from November 2016

The Common Sin of Middle Age Believers

“Each stage of adult life presents its own unique challenges. Young adults worry about finding work and getting married. Older folks have increasing health problems and the loss of independent living. And those in their middle age years, with their own set of struggles, often find themselves “caught in the middle” trying to help aging parents while guiding their children into adulthood.   In the midst of these challenges, it might be helpful to be aware that there are also…

One Question to Unlock Your Evangelism

“Your neighbour asks what you did over the weekend. You think to yourself, Should I mention church? If I do, am I ready to share the gospel? If I am, how do I get there? You know you should say something to your barber, or to the barista at your favourite coffee shop — something about Jesus, something about the gospel — but you feel stuck. Palms are getting sweaty. Guilt is circling like a bird of prey. You feel…

The Best of the Boring Parts of the Bible

“Let’s admit it, there are certain parts of the Bible we skim because . . . well . . . because we think they’re boring. They’re repetitive, overly detailed, full of names and places we can’t pronounce. So why bother with them? There are many reasons — not the least of which is that even the parts of the Bible we deem to be boring are significant because they are God’s word to us. Here’s my top ten list of…

Don’t Keep the Gospel to Yourself

Our article this week helps us think about what’s of vital importance in friendship evangelism. “We want to live with urgency. We want to stop frittering away our lives with inconsequential and meaningless activities. Life and death hangs in the balance. Those who have been reconciled to God have a ministry of reconciliation to help others get right with him (2 Cor 5:19). This means we ought to consider our activities, priorities, and passions. Jonathan Edwards captured it well in…