Posts from July 2016

Posts from July 2016

You Don’t Really Know Who Your Friends Are Until…

“For as long as you and I have lived, at least if you have lived in this Western, first-world culture, friendship with Jesus has been beneficial. At worst this friendship has been neutral so the benefits have balanced the drawbacks. And while I am no prognosticator of doom, it seems increasingly clear that a relationship with Jesus will soon be more and more of a liability before this watching, judging world.” Read more…

Parental Failings

Pastor John did a little thinking about his parenting today as he revisited some old letters. Maybe these thoughts will be helpful for some younger parents. Read more…

When life gives you oranges

“Discovering your children have special needs is like being given an orange. You’re sitting with a group of friends in a restaurant. You’ve just finished a decent main course, and are about to consider the dessert menu when one of your friends gets up, taps their glass with a spoon, and announces that they have bought desserts for everyone as a gift. They disappear around the corner, and return a minute later with an armful of spherical objects about the…