In our church fellowship we hold to…
The Authority of the Bible
God has spoken with authority and in a reliable way through the Bible. In our church community we acknowledge this Book to be the rule for our faith and behaviour. Its teachings have been helpfully summarised in the Heidelberg Catechism. Copies of the Bible and the Catechism are available upon request.
The Centrality of Christ
The Bible points people to Jesus Christ. He has died for our sins and been exalted to reign over the universe. In our church community we proclaim Him to be the Lord and Saviour. We teach that ultimately no one can come to God except through Jesus Christ.
The Activity of the Holy Spirit
People will only come to faith in Jesus Christ by the work of God’s Holy Spirit. He convinces people of their sin and their need for forgiveness. He produces the new birth, sustains eternal life and stirs us up to love and good deeds which are acceptable to God. In our church community we persistently call upon God to give us His Spirit so that we can obey Him.
The Universality of the Church
God’s people are not confined to one denomination, one nation or one time. Every person who serves Jesus as Lord by the Holy Spirit is a son or daughter of God, the Father. In our church community we welcome people who love the Lord to worship with us irrespective of their particular traditions.
The Command of the Gospel
The Gospel (good news) of God must be preached to the City of Toowoomba and to all nations and then the end will come. All people must turn from their sins and believe in the Lord Jesus. In our church community we call people to faith and send people into the world to proclaim this Gospel.
The Necessity of Obedience
God calls people to believe in Jesus so that they may live a life of holiness and love. In our church community we urge each other to do the good works which God has intended us to do.
The Certainty of Eternal Life
A person who believes in Jesus Christ has experiened a “new birth” into a new and eternal life. Such a person is delivered from the meaninglessness that is so often part of life and from the eternal punishment of hell. Such a person is adopted by God as His child, is indwelt by the Holy Spirit and is assured of a home in heaven. In our church community we rejoice in this new life now and in the certain hope of life forever with our God.
The Effectiveness of the Sacraments
Jesus has told people to be baptised in His Name and to remember Him at the Lord’s Supper. In our church community we receive these signs of God’s love with faith and joy to strengthen us for obedience.
The Simplicity of Worship
God is pleased when people respond to His Word with joyful hearts and obedient service. In our church community we seek to make God’s message as plain as possible and to encourage a response of gratitude and obedience.
We invite you to join us in worship!