Church Events

Church Events

26 January

Sunday Worship

If you’d like to join us for worship on a Sunday, we’d love to welcome you! We have two services – our morning service at 9:00am, which is followed by a time of fellowship over a cuppa and then our evening service, which begins at 5:00pm. For those who are unable to join us in person, we record our services and, Lord willing, they will be ready to view on our YouTube Channel about one hour after each service has…
28 January

Prime Timers

Fortnightly study and fellowship for those in the prime of life! All welcome. Please speak to Bill Wiersma if you would like more information.
31 January

Youth Group

A time when our young people get together to study God’s word, have fun and just do life together. Please see Josie de Vries for more information.
4 February

Session Meeting

Our Elders meet once a month to report on their work and plan for the future.
5 February

Men’s Bible Study

Join the men of our congregation as we meet together weekly to encourage one another to pursue God and grow to maturity in our lives. Please contact Pastor Andrew or email us at if you’d like more information.
6 February

Bible Study

A fortnightly home group on a Thursday night led by Marty & Susie.
7 February

Coffee, Craft & Conversation

Join us fortnightly for a morning of coffee, craft and plenty of conversation and cake!  There are lots of craft options.  Please speak to one of the craft leaders – Marleen Ellen, Sophie Bouchier or Alix Alexander or email for more information. Our cost this year is $8.00.  Including in that price is all your craft supplies plus a wonderful morning tea spread.  We also have a creche available for children up to the age of 5 (no school…
7 February


GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Saviour) is a fortnightly program for girls, helping them to mature in Christ through fun and teaching together. Please speak to Team Leader Letty de Kroon for more information.
14 February


Cadets is a fortnightly program for boys, helping them to mature in Christ through fun and teaching together. Please speak to Team Leader Andrew de Kroon for more information.
5 March

Women’s Bible Study

A weekly women’s bible study where we dig deeper into God’s word and enjoying a time of fellowship together. Please speak to Christina de Vries or email us at if you would like more information!