David Powlison
An Open Letter to the Suffering Christian
As we enter into the suffering of Christ in the Easter events, here is an open letter to a suffering Christian. “Dear friend, What words can I say to you when your life is hard and you are hurting? If we were face to face, I probably wouldn’t start with words at all. I would want you to talk when you are able. I want to know you, what you are going through, what it is like for you, and…
An Open Letter to those Apathetic about their Sanctification
“Dear friend, How can I light a fire and get you engaged and active in wanting to grow when you don’t really seem that interested? You’re “eh,” “meh,” and “whatever.” What could shake you out of apathy and indifference? What could shake you out of plodding along through life, going through the motions in your Christianity? There’s no magic answer of course. But let me share a couple of things that I’ve found that have affected my own lethargy and…
An Open Letter to those Frustrated by their Progress in Sanctification
“We all love it when life leaps into forward gear and we make all kinds of progress. Problems just seem to fall away. Perhaps in your life you’ve had a season like that, a season when your life seemed to shine and flourish. Maybe it was when you first became a believer or during some period when you were very well nurtured by good community and wise input. Then there are those seasons where things go very slowly. You wonder,…