Mark Loughridge
Enjoying Imperfection
“Only God does all things perfectly. In a world that has written God out of the story, we have written ourselves into the role of perfection-attainment. And it is killing us—our dusty little frames, our finite abilities can’t handle it. It’s not that we shouldn’t ever aim to be the best—it’s about what we do when we fall short. And what failing does to us. It’s realising that not all things need to be the ‘best’, but can simply be enjoyed…
Things only God sees (and angels, and lately, us)
“There was a beautiful sunrise this morning in Ireland—except the majority of Ireland’s inhabitants missed it. It was a dank, grey morning, but at 35,000 feet, all was different. A fiery glow gently whispered over the downy cotton-tops of sleeping clouds. Fields and fields of clouds bathed in morning light, things of beauty—infinite in variety and formation—changing for every planeload of spectators. Beauty—only recently seen by us; always been there, of course, but only in the last 100 years have…
No Longer Talking
“We dehumanise as we distance ourselves from each other, depriving them and us of voice. Is it any wonder people are lonelier than ever? As Christians we must be different. We must be people who honour those made in the image of God, by speaking, listening and giving full attention just as our God does to us. If even having the phone on the table gives the wrong signal, let’s leave them aside. If having it buzz leaves us itching…