Julie Lowe
Choosing What Is Hard
“If being imitators of Christ is the call of every believer, what hard thing is God calling you to? Is it caring for a family member with a significant disability, or giving selflessly of your time to someone who needs your tangible help? Perhaps it is volunteering time or resources to a prison ministry, or a soup kitchen, letting go of all your comforts to serve overseas, or challenging your church to get more involved in helping those who need…
Young Teens & Social Media
“Our children are growing up in a world that thrives on technology, and we must be faithful in helping them engage with it. As with many things, technology can be a useful tool and a source of enjoyment, connection, and education. It can also become an addiction, idol, or tool for malice. The more we build strong character in our children, and the more we actively teach them to steward technology, the more likely they are to handle it with…
Instilling Gratitude in your Family
“Gratitude does not come naturally to us, but it can be cultivated. It helps to switch us from a perspective of need to one of contentment. It acknowledges that no matter my condition, my possessions, my sufferings, or my blessings, we are rich in ways the world can not quantify.” Read more…
Parenting a Difficult Child
“I’ve heard many a parent say, “We’ve exhausted all options, all approaches, all forms of consequences… and nothing worked. I tried being calm; I tried consistent discipline; I tried appealing to their conscience and praying with them and for them. Nothing helped. Nothing changed.” What the parent means is that it did not produce the desired behaviour change or a visible heart change. The assumption is that, once again, the formula was applied, and it proved useless. But this is…
When a Child Says “I don’t know”
How do you draw out a child who answers any question you ask with, “I don’t know?” Whether you are a parent, a Sunday School teacher, a mentor, or a church member who happens to interact with children (tip: that includes all of us!), here’s some useful advice from Julie Lowe, a counsellor and faculty member at CCEF (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation): Read more…