Posts from 2014 (Page 5)

Posts from 2014 (Page 5)

What if our church burnt down?

If your church burned down what impact would that have?  In a smaller city like Toowoomba the fire might make the headlines in the paper.  For the congregation it would be an inconvenience, as other arrangements would have to be made for worship and other activities.  But hopefully insurance would cover the costs and the congregation might even take on a new lease of life in new, rebuilt facilities.  But what about the impact of such a fire on the…

The mystery of a sermon (3)

A well-known preacher once said in his Sunday sermon, “Every blade of grass is a sermon.”  Some days later a parishioner saw the minister mowing his lawn.  When he turned off the mower to say, “Hello!” the parishioner remarked, “That’s good Pastor, cut your sermons short!” No doubt many a time we’ve wished the preacher would do exactly that.  I recall a fellow student at college who preached for the first time and spoke for over an hour.  The elders…

The mystery of a sermon (2)

Do you remember the guy in the Bible called Eutychus?  He’s the patron saint of all those who fall asleep while the minister is preaching.  You can read his story in Acts 20, where the preacher was none other than the apostle Paul. I’ve seen a few of Eutychus’ followers over the years.  One outstanding “Eutychus” was an older man who had developed a unique pattern for snoozing during the sermon.  Usually those who doze while the minister preaches have…

The mystery of a sermon (1)

In Reformed worship the exposition of God’s Word has a central place.  Rightly so!  Praise is important – it’s something the Lord repeatedly calls us to do.  Public prayers are important when God’s people gather for worship.  Our giving for the work of church and kingdom should continue to be part of public worship.  So should the administration of the sacraments.  It’s not difficult to find Biblical support for all those things that we do in our gatherings for worship. …