Open Door
“At times, it seems too far to hope for. That my friend will turn and follow Jesus Christ. But I still pray. And hope to see her someday. Before the Throne. Praising the Lamb together with the multitudes gathered. From every nation, tribe, people and language. Lord, You alone are worthy.” Read more…
Five Things to Say to Help a Depressed Christian
“While these descriptions can help you understand depression a little more, you don’t have to know if someone has been clinically diagnosed to help them. You don’t have to be a counsellor to be a loving and compassionate friend. I will offer some direction on what can help a Christian who finds themselves dealing with depression.” Read more…
The Ministry of Being a Little Bit Further Along
“No church can survive solely upon the labours of its pastors. No church can thrive when the expectation is that all ministry must be formal and must originate from the front of the room. No church can remain healthy when it falls to the elders to give and the members to consume. Rather, the work of ministry within a local church is the privilege and responsibility of each of the people who makes that church their own.” Read more…
Choosing What Is Hard
“If being imitators of Christ is the call of every believer, what hard thing is God calling you to? Is it caring for a family member with a significant disability, or giving selflessly of your time to someone who needs your tangible help? Perhaps it is volunteering time or resources to a prison ministry, or a soup kitchen, letting go of all your comforts to serve overseas, or challenging your church to get more involved in helping those who need…
Going Beyond Clouds That Hide the View
“There are times in our lives when we can’t see, we can’t fathom what is hidden. Sometimes it is just a matter of waiting, and whatever blocked the light dissipates. Other times, the clouds don’t lift, and we will never know in this short life, why the Lord waited so long. When clouds draw shadows dark and foreboding, when mist dims His splendour, we can take heart because we know the certainty. We have seen His glory, and nothing less…
What is the “Greatest Threat to the Gospel”?
“What this “greatest threat” trope ignores is the clear teaching of Jesus that He will build His church and not even the gates of hell will prevail against it (Matthew 16:17-19). The gospel is never threatened because it is the Saviour who ensures His kingdom will advance.” Read more…
Chasing Rest
“Softly placing my head on my pillow each night, especially during busy or chaotic times, requires an abandonment of control. Intentionally ceasing to still my hands and quiet my mind at day’s end, when work still beckons, is an acknowledgment of my human frailty before our Creator who flung the stars to shine by pitch of night and designed the sun to warm by day. Resting reminds me that I am not God. Created in his image, I rest out…
Evangelism Isn’t Complicated
“You don’t need another course. You don’t need extensive training. You need a sentence or two that explains who Jesus is and why he matters. And you know it because you already believe it. And if you know it and believe it, you are equipped with everything you need to go and share it with other people.” Read more…
Savour Each Sunday Service
“Attending Sunday service can become very mundane very quickly. Oftentimes, it seems like something to check off your list before getting back to your normal life. Sure, some worship services move you or cause you to examine your life in light of Scripture. But more often then not, there is a profound sense of “normal” when you attend your Church’s Sunday service. Now, you could find text after text in the New Testament which shows you why that should not…
Pray for Other Members
“Every Christian knows they should pray for others (1 Tim. 2:1). Yet every Christian also knows how terribly trite it feels to ask God over and over again to help out your fellow church members with their health, safety, or money problems. So how do we pray without just repeating ourselves?” Read more…