Guest (Page 31)

Guest (Page 31)

What’s happening to our sacred songs?

In the last month or so, I have noticed an interesting development in television advertising. I do not know whether this is a developing trend, but it made me take notice. Advertisers are using well known sacred songs to promote their products. The first one I noticed was the ABC, which uses the words of the old and well known song “He’s got the whole world in his hands.” Originally, that song was written about the sovereignty of God, who…

Life is short – and so is the seventh commandment

One of the things that never ceases to amaze me is sinful man’s ability to make what is sinful and destructive into something that is OK.  Over recent weeks we have heard about a website that was ‘hacked’ and as a result, 37 million names have been leaked to the public. The website is called “Ashley Maddison” which seems innocent enough, being named after two popular female names.  However, this website is nothing but innocent.  Although it is classed as…

The Executions

One of the issues that replaced the devastating earthquake in Nepal off the front pages of the TV news and daily papers was the execution of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, the ringleaders of the Bali-nine drug smugglers.  I am all for being a little patriotic about one’s country and her citizens, but I did find it rather ‘selfish’ to be focusing on two Australians being punished for a crime while ten thousand people have just lost their lives in…

Leaving our Children an Inheritance

Scripture says that “A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children” (Proverbs 13:22). As a result, many Christians defend and justify leaving vast sums of wealth to their children and grandchildren. I think in order to understand the principle behind this verse, we need to compare what an inheritance meant in biblical times, versus what an inheritance means in this culture today. In Old Testament times, passing on ownership of the land to children and grandchildren was vital.…


One of the things that never cease to surprise me is the passion some people have for a certain cause. There are some people who are passionate about animal welfare. There are others who are passionate about ‘pro-life.’ There are other people who are passionate about Christian education. There are people who are passionate about justice issues. There are some who are passionate about missions. And dare I mention that there are others who are passionate about their sporting code…


Our bulletin blog this week is called “Loss” by Julie E. Lowe. We have obtained permission from CCEF to reprint it in our printed bulletin – so you, our online readers, can access the post directly here:

The Hopeless Marriage

Our bulletin blog this week is called “The Hopeless Marriage” by Ed Welch. We have obtained permission from CCEF to reprint it in our printed bulletin – so you, our online readers, can access the post directly here:

Why I love an evening service

Of all the casualties the church has suffered in recent decades, I wonder if many will have longer-lasting consequences than the loss of the evening service.  There was a time, not so long ago, when many or even most churches gathered in the morning and the evening.  But today the evening service is increasingly relegated to the past.  At Grace Fellowship Church we hold on to the evening service and I wouldn’t want it any other way.  It is a…