“In the two opening chapters of Job we read of encounters between God and Satan. The angels appeared before God, both the good and the evil. God challenges Satan with respect to Job. He says in Job 1:8, “Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil?” Satan replies with cynicism. He insinuates that Job is just motivated by self-interest. If the blessings are gone, then Job won’t be so committed to God anymore. God then allows Satan to go out and smite Job.
Someone recently asked me whether that kind of conversation between Satan and God still happens today. Does it happen today that Satan appears before God and God says, “Have you considered my servant x or y?” And Satan says, “Let me have a go at x or y and you’ll see what happens.” Then God lets Satan do that. Might that be happening even at this very moment?”
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