I’m Better Than You

I’m Better Than You

by Tim Challies

I’m kind of a jerk. For as long as I’ve been able to think about myself, my heart, my life, I’ve known that I’m a sinful person. I’ve never doubted the reality of my depravity. And if there ever had been any doubt, being married and having children and immersing myself in a local church has provided all the proof I, and they, need.

But lately I’ve been considering one simple and disturbing aspect of this sin: I’m better than you. At least, this is what I believe in most of life’s situations. I’m just plain better than you. Somewhere deep inside I believe it’s true and too often I live and act like it’s true. I’m just plain better than you. Somewhere deep inside I believe it’s true and too often I live and act like it’s true.

Continue reading: http://www.challies.com/articles/im-better-than-you