The Local Church Was Made To Serve The Christian, Not The Christian The Local Church

The Local Church Was Made To Serve The Christian, Not The Christian The Local Church

“The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath. Sabbath is a gift God has given us for our good. We are feeble creatures who need rest, yet foolish creatures who would otherwise work ourselves to the bone. The sabbath is a reminder of our weakness, of our finiteness, of our inability. It is a reminder of all of these in a physical sense and, more ultimately, in a spiritual sense, for so much of what is true of our bodies is true of our souls. We accept sabbath as a blessing from God and ignore or reject it to our own peril…

I have often wondered if we need to hear a related admonition today: The local church was made to serve the Christian, not the Christian the local church. I think this is true in the sense Jesus’s phrase is true—not as an absolute statement but as a phrase that is meant to catch our attention and provoke some self-examination.”

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