Posts from April 2019

Posts from April 2019

Always Count the Cost

“And even today, each of us must consider what it costs to be a Christian. This is not the question of what it costs to save a Christian’s soul—Jesus would show us that through his crucifixion. It’s the question of what a person must be willing to give up to be saved. And to answer, I want to track with J.C. Ryle who provided a brilliant answer many years ago. It costs very little to maintain the outward appearance of…

Strength & Weakness

“Because the Bible prefers weakness over strength, we are tempted to think that the first half of these pairs is inherently more spiritual than the second half. But this would be to ignore the heroes and heroines of the Bible. Abraham was rich. David was a king. Moses was mighty in power. Solomon was wise. Esther was beautiful. Samson was strong. Paul was supremely intelligent. And even Jesus himself demonstrated great power and authority. So I don’t think you can…

If the Gospel is True, The Gospel is Urgent

“The Bible says my friendship with her is no mistake. You and I don’t accidentally fall into relationships, jobs, or neighbourhoods. God ordains the “allotted periods and the boundaries of [our] dwelling place” (Acts 17:26). In other words, God determines exactly where and when you and I live, as well as where and when everyone we know lives. Our friendships are not cosmic accidents. They are ordained by God. But why does God ordain our relationships?” Read more…

Giving Up for Lent

“As we enter the Lent season, and people ask if you are giving up something for Lent, don’t twist it into some New Year’s Resolution 2.0. It’s so much more beautiful than that. It’s not a work we complete, but a means of grace God has given to us as our birthright to see his a glimpse of his salvation when we have lost hope. It’s us saying “I don’t have to be afraid of my weakness. In fact, I…