Posts by toowoombacrc (Page 17)

Posts by toowoombacrc (Page 17)

Things only God sees (and angels, and lately, us)​

“There was a beautiful sunrise this morning in Ireland—except the majority of Ireland’s inhabitants missed it. It was a dank, grey morning, but at 35,000 feet, all was different. A fiery glow gently whispered over the downy cotton-tops of sleeping clouds. Fields and fields of clouds bathed in morning light, things of beauty—infinite in variety and formation—changing for every planeload of spectators. Beauty—only recently seen by us; always been there, of course, but only in the last 100 years have…

What a Pro-Life Church Looks Like

What does a pro-life church look like? Pastor Stephen McAlpine shares how believing in life after life after death has come to expression in his congregation and writes, “We’re living in a culture of death that has run out of hope. Let’s be that strange group of people who are pro-life from cradle to grave, because life after life after death is our hope.” Read more…

Are you a Glass Half-Full Christian?

I’m sure you’ve all the saying ‘He’s a glass half-empty kind of guy,’ or ‘She’s a glass half-full kind of girl.’ It describes how we tend to see the world, either in a negative light, or a positive light. Some people tend to see the problems in life, while other people see opportunities. And the truth is that some of us see our spiritual lives in the same fashion. We see how our country is turning its back on Christianity…

The Power to Witness

Pastor Josh Hartog continues his reflection on evangelism – this time, the importance of relying on the Holy Spirit. “Our gospel witness will only have power when the Holy Spirit is present in our lives, in our words, and actively working in the lives of those who hear. Before you step out of your house, pray that the Holy Spirit would fill your heart. Before you speak, pray that the Holy Spirit would speak through you. And when you share the gospel with someone, pray that the Holy Spirit would work in their heart. Through the Holy Spirit may you have power to witness to Jesus.”

Is the Light On in Your Home?

The truth is we all live in a particular local neighbourhood. Unless you live in a commune, you are living in the world, you are surrounded by people who most likely don’t know God, or at least don’t know God as we know him. God has placed you in a strategic position to be a witness to His love and grace in Christ Jesus. Your neighbours watch you come and go. They see how you live. They hear how you talk to your spouse and kids. They observe how you spend your time. They learn your priorities.

The Bucket List You and I Need to Write

“Our deadline for leaving town was definite and I treated it as such. I carefully thought about the closets that needed tidying, the showers that needed scrubbing, the sheets that needed washing. And while the deadline for the end of my life is yet unknown, it is indeed definite. Our ends are imminent. And we only have this lifetime to accomplish whatever it is the Lord has tasked us with. When you and I arrive in heaven, it will be…

Does Your Heart Run on Hype?

Our men’s group has been working through a video course from the RTC about loving God’s people and the theme this past week was on worship. Following on from that, here’s an article to consider to answer the question about whether our hearts are running on hype: “For some time now, many churches have structured worship gatherings to heighten natural emotional stimulation. Dim the lights. Pick songs that tug the heartstrings, despite their thin context. Make sure the choir or…

The Peace of God or the God of Peace?

“I am an anxious person. I haven’t always known that to be true, but it has become more obvious with each passing year. I am anxious about what I can do—and anxious about what I can’t. I’m anxious about how to love the people in my life—and I’m anxious when I don’t. I’m anxious about what is past—and anxious about what is yet to come. Are you like me?” Read more…

What if the Worst Happens?

“I found myself growing fearful. Not a heart-stopping, all-encompassing fear, but the kind of constant gnawing that occurs when you look at the discouraging trends of the present and assume things will never change. When you think about the future and wonder, “What if the worst happens?” What if. I’ve spent a lifetime considering the “what ifs.” Those questions have a way of unsettling me, destroying my peace, leaving me insecure.” Read more…

What Church is like for a person on the Autism Spectrum

“Like most people on the autism spectrum, I need some structure and predictability. Surprises are challenging. Unwanted physical exchanges can be difficult. I often can’t sustain eye contact. Some weeks I can’t participate in activities that fall in the category of fellowship. No one expects you to walk on eggshells or get everything right. Just aim for greater knowledge and empathy. Listening to our stories—including reading pieces like this—is a great start.” Read more…