”With social media, a quick response to someone else’s words is primed for us. There’s a box below their post for us to type out our comments and publish them immediately. There’s a retweet or share button with the option of including our own thoughts in tandem with theirs. Articles come with share buttons littered all around, followed by a comment section at the end.
We likewise have the ease to publish our own thoughts on a blog or a social media account. Within the same hour that we have a thought, it can be published for anyone to read and react to.
This kind of writing, responding, and reacting is similar to my hurried ways of cooking. It’s perhaps a quicker way to get the job done, and sometimes it may even work out in our favor. But sometimes it may go up in flames. Or, if we escape the flames, we and our readers may get burned by the splattering oil. As it says in Proverbs, “When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent” (Proverbs 10:19, emphasis mine).”