Guest (Page 21)

Guest (Page 21)

Why I Thank God for my Painful Midlife Crisis

This could be good reading for you if you’re in or approaching that mid-life stage. “The disorientation of midlife is the result of the collision of a powerful personal awareness and a powerful personal interpretation… Suddenly we see things about ourselves that have been developing for years but went by unnoticed.” Read more…

Instilling Gratitude in your Family

“Gratitude does not come naturally to us, but it can be cultivated. It helps to switch us from a perspective of need to one of contentment. It acknowledges that no matter my condition, my possessions, my sufferings, or my blessings, we are rich in ways the world can not quantify.” Read more…

Invite Someone to Sunday Lunch

“What would happen in your church if new visitors received multiple invitations for a meal after the service? When my husband and I were first married, I remember one specific comment from our pastor’s sermon, “Just put on a pot of soup before church and then invite someone over you’ve never met before.” The idea had never crossed my mind. In many ways, hospitality seemed most comfortable inviting friends over to well-planned meals. But inviting strangers over? Over our years…

The Lamb That Takes Away the Sins of Australia

“Can lamb bring us together? Can lamb chop out our differences? That’s the rather cheeky claim of the latest lamb ad in Australia. Australian lamb ads are becoming a tradition in themselves. Almost as traditional as Australia Day. And Australia Day is nearly upon us. It’s 26th January. At least it is this year. That could change, given the rejection of the day by many Aboriginal Australians. So, ironically, the lamb ads that reach their zenith, just in time for…

How to talk to strangers

“It’s Sunday morning. The church service has just ended and you’re standing around, helping yourself to some morning tea. You see a new person and think, I should go over and talk to them. I’m supposed to be welcoming. But the whole thing is rather terrifying: Even if you did go over, what do you do? What do you say? What if your natural tendency towards social awkwardness turns them off and they end up leaving because of you?” Read more…

Five Great Reasons to Skip Reading Your Bible This Summer

“Summer is here! And we’ve got five great reasons to skip reading your Bible this summer: You’re on holiday You’re out of routine The kids are under your feet all day No one will notice It’s too hot But imagine if this summer were different…” Read more…

Observed by Grief

“I have been reading CS Lewis’s little tome, A Grief Observed, and it is simultaneously wounding and healing. There is too much of the book to like. So much I cannot quote any of it here. If you don’t have a copy, buy one. Read it as soon as possible. Read it in your grief. But read it in your joyous non-grief to prepare you for your grief to come.” Read more…

Prayers to Prayer for Unbelievers

“A friend asked the question: How do I pray for unbelievers? How do I pray effectively? I trust that every Christian regularly prays for family or friends or colleagues or neighbours who do not yet know the Lord. And while we can and must pray for matters related to their lives and circumstances, the emphasis of our prayers must always be for their salvation. Here are some ways the Bible can guide our prayers.” Read more…

Resumes Set Afire

“It is hard to imagine, but try slowly dismantling your resume. What personal achievements have some importance in your life? Include health, education, weight, fitness, general attractiveness and unique abilities. If you were to boast, what might you boast about? Now, toss these out one at a time. Do some hurt more than others? What is left when the achievements are gone?” Read more…